Hepatitis: Stay safe

Did You know?

Hepatitis is classified into two: viral and non-viral hepatitis.
Viral hepatitis has 5 variants. They are A, B, C, D, and E.
Hepatitis B and C can lead to chronic hepatitis, which can cause liver damage and even liver cancer.
Hepatitis A and E are spread through contaminated food or water, while hepatitis B, C, and D are spread through blood-to-blood contact or sexual contact with an infected person.
Over 300 million people globally live with viral hepatitis.
Over 1.5 Million people die of viral hepatitis every year.

How To Stay Safe?

Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. This inflammation is caused by various factors, including infectious viruses and non-infectious agents. The non-infectious agents that cause hepatitis include drugs, medicine, and excessive consumption of alcohol. This type of hepatitis caused by these non-infectious agents is referred to as non-viral hepatitis. On the other hand, the infectious viruses that cause hepatitis are A, B, C, D, and E. These varying strains of viruses cause hepatitis, but they are different in the way they are transmitted, the way they can be prevented, where they can be found, and their severity. Hepatitis caused by viruses is referred to as viral hepatitis, which is our focus in this article.

Viral hepatitis poses a significant threat to the world, affecting millions of people worldwide. If not handled or taken care of properly, this condition can lead to severe complications like cirrhosis and liver cancer which can lead to death. This makes it very crucial for everyone to adopt measures that promote prevention and overall well-being. Keep reading to find out measures to protect you and your community from this illness.

Vaccination: Get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated for hepatitis A and B to protect yourselves.

Practice good hygiene: Hepatitis A and E are often transmitted through contaminated food and water. So, to prevent it and keep yourself safe, ensure you wash your hands thoroughly before cooking, eating, and after eating. Ensure you wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with some salt and clean water before you cook or eat them raw. Only drink clean water. If you are not sure how clean the water is, you can boil it and drink it when it is cool.

Practice safe sex: Hepatitis B, C, and D can be transmitted through sex. So, to protect yourself, ensure you use a condom when having sex. Also, it won’t hurt for you and your partner to get tested if you both are sexually active.

Avoid sharing needles: Hepatitis B and C can be transmitted from one infected person to another if they both share a needle or any other object that comes in contact with blood. With this in mind, avoid sharing needles, razors, hair clippers, and toothbrushes with anyone, even if the person is a close family relative. You never really know who has this illness.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle: Finally, maintain a healthy lifestyle to support and improve your liver function. This includes eating well-balanced meals, regularly exercising, and avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol or avoiding it altogether.

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